
Author's & Publishers:
I am happy to accept books for review, whether from you, the author, or the publisher. At this point, I am not accepting self published books, as I want my reviews to be on books that are ready for the public. I consider myself the public :) I am happy to accept advanced copies/editions, paperbacks, and hard covers. ARC's will take priority over any book, in order of the date I receive them.

When it comes to the books I choose to review, I can be very selective. I read any book that I think the cover is pretty, the cover looks interesting, or that other reviews love. Remember, these are the books I spent money on, and reading is my passion, so I won't accept a book that I am not interested in. Please don't take offence if I decline your book, its not a personal thing, but simply a reviewers choice. This is not meant to upset or disrespect authors, but how I am.

Genre's I am Willing To Review:
As I am twelve, I will only read YA books. In particular, I love Chick-Lit, Contemporary, Fantasy, Fiction, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, and apocalyptic.

If its not listed above, you can email me, and I will email back :). I am not limited to those genres in YA, but those are my favorite.

Genre's I do not review/have no interest in:
Erotica and self published books. I am twelve, so obviously my mom will not let me read erotica. Otherwise, it depends on the book.

How long does it take for me to post a review?
I usually finish a book within a couple of days to a week, and I can have a review up in the next two or three days. But if I have a lot of plans, it will probably take longer.

Note: I am still in school, have friends, play sports, and have hobbies. Reading is one of my hobbies, but I do have more, so I can't really give you a specific time frame.

My reviews will include the book cover from GoodReads, and the the synopsis from GoodReads. I will try not to post any spoilers, but if I do, I will always tell you before.

Most of these books I pay for with my own money, or an author/publisher sends me them.

If you have any questions or concerns, feedback, or get in contact with me, email me at madilynnanderson@gmail.com